We're sure you gathered from the title that we have completely lost track of time which might explain why we failed to update this yesterday. To be honest, apart from not realising what time it was most of the day, we were either too tired (lazy) or too damn hot to do it. I blame the humidity.
If you take a look at the photo that's up, you'll see just how close we came to death yesterday on the highway. Basically the back of a truck came off, well, a truck and started rolling in our general direction. Luckily the - usually rather slow - Chris reacted quickly and generously applied the brakes to the point where the photo was taken. Needless to say we were all stoked to be alive and later celebrated with the best damn muffins the coast has to offer.
Furthermore, those of you that have had the pleasure of meeting our Ugandan friend - Boettross - will be distraught to hear that someone attempted to kidnap him yesterday despite the fact that he was tightly roped to the back of the car, but that's another story.
We hope everyone is having as much fun as we are.
Live long and prosper.
HAHA, looks sweet fun, but if this happened on the way to me, why was I not informed of such things?